Tag Archives: Tuluva Dynasty

Indian History Part 76 Collapse of an Empire Section III Rama Raya – A Retrospective Analysis

Canberra, 30 November 2019 In a purely factual analysis of the decline of the Vijayanagara Empire, Rama Raya’s name stands out either as a hero or a villain depending on the bias of the author or researcher. It is an indisputable fact that Rama Raya was the de facto king of the Empire at the […]

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Indian History Part 76 Collapse of an Empire Section II: The Aftermath

Canberra, 27 November 2019 The four Shahi kings moved from the battlefield towards Vijayanagara and halted at Anegundi. They send out advance parties of soldiers to prepare the capital for a great triumphal entry of the victors. After a few days they entered the capital in a state procession with the four kings at the […]

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Indian History Part 76 Collapse of an Empire Section I: The Battle of Rakshasa-Tangadi (Talikota)

Canberra, 23 November 2019 The Battle of Rakshasa-Tangadi is better known in historical narratives and discussions as the Battle of Talikota, so much so that the name of the twin villages Rakshasa-Tangadi remains in relative obscurity even today. The fact, however, remains that the battle was not fought at, or even close to, the town […]

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Indian History Part 75 The Tuluva Dynasty Section VIII: Rama Raya-Establishing Aravidu Rule

Canberra, 9 November 2019 The regency of Rama Raya can be divided into three distinct phases. The first phase is the time during which Rama Raya carried out the duties of the Regent diligently, ruling on behalf of the infant/boy-king. The inscriptions and chronicles of this period scrupulously maintain the authority of Sadasiva Deva as […]

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Indian History Part 75 The Tuluva Dynasty Section II: Krishna Deva Raya – Coming to Power

Canberra, 4 August 2019 Krishna, the stepbrother of Vira Narasimha II and son of Narasa Nayaka and Queen Nagala Devi, assumed the throne with the assistance of the sagacious minister Saluva Timmaraya on 15 July 1509. He would have been between 20 and 25 years of age at this time. Krishna immediately moved to secure […]

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Indian History Part 75 The Tuluva Dynasty Section I: The Third Dynasty Takes Over

Canberra, 13 July 2019 With the usurpation of the throne by the general of the Saluvas and designated regent, Narasa Nayaka—for irrespective of the good intentions that prompted the takeover, at the primary level the general’s actions remained usurpation—the third dynasty to rule Vijayanagara took over the reins of the administration. Origins of the Tuluvas […]

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